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NEKO has a FNF addition

A member registered Apr 04, 2021

Recent community posts

Thank you,  it looks good

sure i dont mind the wait but can you do a version with no mic and a bit more spikey i dont really know what i want it just seems a bit to rounded, coule you do this changes please?

can you please try to redraw this

can you pleeeeeeaaaaaassseee to this?

Do this pls

Ay yo can you do this please in a cartoony kinda style. If you can, can you please not add a microphone.  Thx. I  know you have a lot of requests but I really want you to do mine. 

P.S. can you also try to do the background?

P.S. Do not draw him with a microphone. And it is you choice if you want to do the background to or not. 

I posted  a comment on the previos page but i think i forgot to attach a picture. Can you redraw this please in the same style you did the cat dude for me a while ago? Thx.

can you please do mine?

 Do this please and try to do it kinda in the same style you did the other drawings for me please 

looks fresh thx

wtf the image those not load

make a chunky horse plus some icons to match. Also color it on PC ( his fur color is brownish) Kinda like this 


I'm so dumb. Thank you for the kind words. You inspire me to be a better person. 

Hello, It's me on another account. It looks        S I C K. I see what you meant with the semi-werewolf thingy. Honestly I get Naruto Chackra Cloak vibes. And for some reason I find it funny that under de cat ears hood he really has cat ears. The detail is astonishing. What are the pink thingies tho. I mean they give the character a real monster look but my dumb brain doesn't know  what they are, also do you have a separate image just with the cool berserk guy ? Anyway I thought that after the first one it can not get any better. But you really surprised me on this one. Keep up the good work and thank you so very much.

sorry I attached the picture twice Lmao

 can you do him but wit a cat tail? And also redraw the icons

can you do me pls but with a tail. And also redraw the icons?

can you do this please 

try to enhace my drawing  pls